Dr. Bogdan Dzis, CEO

Bogdan Dzis is Chief Executive Officer of the multi profile International Business Development Company Inc. (IBDC Inc.) headquartered in California with operations in the U.S., Germany, and Ukraine. IBDC’s mission is providing multiple services to small and large companies within their international and domestic endeavors.

Dr. Dzis has proven record of global business development, marketing, negotiations, and closing domestic and international sales and shipment contracts, as well as customer support. He poses entrepreneurial nature and substantial experience of running successful businesses, based on the wealth of cross-industries’ experience in doing business with companies and organizations in Germany and Ukraine in various industries: Energy, Construction Development, Hospitality & Tourism, Environmental Protection, Computer Hardware & Software, Green Technologies, Global Higher Education Management and Publishing, in particular:

International Business Development and Sales:

  • Led B2B projects in energy sector between Ukrainian and German power companies: “Active Solar”, “Solar Company”, “30Grad Solar”, “TK Solar” that led to the construction of three alternative energy sources in Ukraine (< 600kW, with total cost of $ 6,3М)
  • Exported German forestry machinery "AHWI" (stump grinders, biomass harvesting, carrier vehicles), which included all steps of the sale process and shipment of the equipment from Germany to Ukraine
  • Provided legal assistance to the Southern Ukraine solar and wind power projects and won government funding for projects in amount of $5M
  • Advised new businesses on implementation and regional business structures; drafted privacy policies and structured commercial transactions, resulting in foundation and registration of 12 legal entities with foreign investments in Ukraine

Construction and Real Estate Development:

  • Developed and managed 50-resort villa turnkey construction project on the shore of the Black Sea in amount of $8M, up to its successful completion
  • Sold eight resort properties of Turkish building company "MECITOGLU" to the Ukrainian private investors with total sale price of $ 900K
  • Sold 36 land parcels for construction of residential properties to private investors in Black Sea resorts in amount of $4.2M and completed all state registration of those properties
  • Oversaw project development of multi-family housing in Kyiv in amount of $1.8M
  • Generated new development deals and real-estate market analysis for a real estate development company "Black Sea Construction" specializing on multi-family residential projects in the Black Sea resorts

Hospitality and Tourism:

  • Managed, and supported VIP transfer for members of the German National Soccer Team during FIFA EURO 2012 in Ukraine
  • Arranged 5 medical tourism projects (examination, medical treatment, and surgery) and ~20 shopping tours for Ukrainian clients to Germany

Environmental Protection:

  • As the business development manager at the German business development company "Werns Consulting" drove B2B collaborative business projects on environmental protection: supply of hi-tech fire protection forestry equipment, building of waste treatment facilities and rubbish recycling plants between Ukrainian and German partners
  • Sold computer hardware and facilitated software consultancy on “Active Solar” green technologies and equipment up to successful closing of sales, shipments, and further customer support with total cost of $1 million

Global Higher Education Management at the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University:

  • Founded and led the Ukrainian-German Department of “Environmental Entrepreneurship” at the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University
  • Successfully closed 12 purchase agreements on educational equipment supply from Germany in amount of $1.8M
  • Provided review, processing and signing of 120 degree-granting educational contracts with international students. The total amount of contracts is $1.1M
Founded and led the continuously growing company "Consulting and Support Ukraine International" (Munich, Germany - Kyiv, Ukraine). Constantly increased its profit by ~18% each quarter.
Mr. Dzis holds MBA in Finance, PhD degree in German Studies, J.D. degree, and BA in German Language and Literature.